This weekend I was gifted with an inspiration to create a mini-garden for myself. This is more of a creative endeavor than it might sound,because I live in an upstairs condo with a small balcony. I have been craving the site of fresh flowers around me for months, the way I had when I lived in my houses throughout the years.
(I lived in my own homes until just a few years ago. This has been a big transition for me, back to apartment life, essentially. I had not lived in an apartment since a long, long time ago, thirty years ago. It is so very different… But I made a bold personal decision to support my independence, and I am not sorry for that at all. I didn’t know that real estate value was going to plummet within months of buying my own place, but that’s another story.)
So this weekend I treated myself to several pots of blooming geraniums, one of my favorite flowers. There are gorgeous shades of red, pink and fuchsia, very feminine colors. I created a little balcony-rail garden, put some in pots by my front door, and even one on my dining room table.
Every time my eyes fall upon these beauties, I smile. I receive instant joy! I feel lifted, and a smile takes my face, instead of the serious expression I tend to wear when I am thinking.
Not only is there opulent, natural beauty now in my environment, but I am reminded each time of the magnificence that nature possesses, and the abundance that surrounds me constantly. All I have to do is open my eyes to see it.
This feels very powerful to me. I know that many people, maybe including you, are feeling constriction in their financial or personal affairs. In my own daily world, I am aware of the constriction in many ways. Many of my clients are affected.
It is important to chose a healthy, self-supporting perspective! It feels better, and it makes more sense. When you feel good, you think more clearly. When you think more clearly, options and solutions become more apparent. It may not seem easy at first, if it hasn’t been your habit; with practice it becomes more natural.
I am aware that I have to consciously chose not to give in to doubt and fear. A sense of defeat, almost panic can rise quickly up, when a wave of lack energy invades thought. The negative energy seems to have a lot of weight to it; it has the ability to almost obliterate efforts to retain positive thinking.
So I have to chose differently! I chose to not let that wave overcome me. I chose to see it as what is is – just a wave of negative energy. I can send it on its way. I breathe deeply, a few times. I affirm my health, talent and abundance in my life and my affairs. I seek out an instant reminder of that reality, instead of the seeming doom that negativity would have me believe.
The waterfall in my office; the beautiful fresh flowers that now line my balcony rail. These bring me back to reality: in this moment, right now, all is well. I breathe again, to take it all the way into my bloodstream and consciousness.
Fresh flowers. That’s what I chose to see. Seeing darkness won’t lift me, it will only drag me down. You, too. Chose light. Chose fresh flowers, or something else that brings an immediate smile to your face. It can be a picture, or a song, or the real thing. Let yourself be lifted. Chose it. You deserve it!
With my love,