Love. That potent word, loaded with promise. For some, it is loaded with pain. And now it’s already February, the month our commercial society especially focuses on to celebrate Love. For some of us, love is a loaded topic. That makes February potentially a super-charged month, full of memories, associations, dreams, maybe heartbreak or disappointments.
I had a new revelation this morning about love inspired by a quote ” I came into this world to love, and I am loving.” (Ernest Holmes)
That resonates for me on the deepest level. I absolutely know this to be true: I came into this world to love and I am loving.
Love is what gets me out of bed in the morning and motivates me out into my day and do my work. Each act I undertake gives me the opportunity to be loving, whether it is taking my dog for a walk, or loving my environment by cleaning it up, or loving myself by cleaning me up or exercising, or doing my work to help others love and heal themselves and their relationships. It’s all loving.
Each client I work with gives me the opportunity to be loving and to give love through my work. I give every day in this way to those who choose and allow themselves to receive this love. My clients, my lovely office building mates, my friends, my beloved family, my pets, my community, and my spiritual community. And every time I give love and it is received, a place inside of me rejoices! A place inside of me is healed. And I cannot receive love from any other unless I recognize all the love within myself. This gives to me in immeasurable ways.
I am so grateful for this eternal flow: Love eternally fills me. It is not dependent on some other person to be created for me. Love eternally fills me. I came into this world to love, and I am loving! That is the all of it. Love eternally fills me ,is me, blesses me, flows to me and from me as I give of myself. The beautiful, perpetual, eternal filling by Love, of Love, to give Love, to be Love.
With each breath I receive life and love from Life. No matter how many heartbreaks I have had, no matter how many rejections I have experienced, each moment I get a re-start. When despair visits, I hold on tight, I ride it until it has spent its wrath, then I go on, choosing again to be Love.
It is my Choice to keep on loving! Maya Angelou reminds and strengthens me each day,”have enough courage to trust Love one more time. And always one more time.”
Today, I choose to trust Love. I choose to be Love. I choose to be loving. I choose to be this courageous. Choosing to be Love, I feel peace. I trust Love, again. And again. Breath to breath, I choose Love.